The Billionaire's Hotwife: Confessions of a Billionaire's Hotwife Page 3
"Okay," I said.
"Okay what?"
"Okay, Master," I said.
He let out a laugh. "Okay Master what?
"Okay, Master, I'll do it? I'll be a good slave for anyone who wants to use and abuse me at your party while you watch."
"Good girl," he said. "Now, open wide."
Chapter Four
So there I was, at the beginning of the party, bound, gagged, and covered by little more than a latex bikini at a party filled with my husband's friends, feeling like a piece of food that's been left unattended, with a horde of flies circling around me.
I looked up at the landing. My husband stood up there, looking powerful in his tux, watching over me. I felt I would be safe as long as he was watching me, but I didn't know about all these people. And that's when I noticed that I wasn't just being ogled by his male friends. I was being ogled by some of the women too. Even, I realized to my horror, his dominatrix friend Mei Wen.
Remember Mei Wen? She was the Asian supermodel I first saw him with, way back three years ago when I was nothing more than a coat check girl. Now I was Gary's trophy wife, and I knew from every interaction I had with Mei that she resented me for it, and I feared that now, she was about to get her chance at some serious revenge. I had heard that she could be quite the cruel mistress. Back in the early days of dating Gary, they had usually found some submissive to torment until they couldn't stand it, and then fucked each other. It had become a point of contention for her, because he would stare at their submissive while they fucked. He had told me that he had loved Mei for a time, but that in the end, he'd had to admit that they weren't exactly compatible. They were both pure dominants. Then he had met me, and it had all changed. And Mei, who should have moved on, instead developed a serious grudge.
I looked up at Master again. If things get too bad down here, if I'm distressed, you'll come to my rescue, right? But alas, all I could do was look up at him longingly with my eyes, my mouth gagged, such as it was.
"Hello Kayla," came a friendly voice. It was Chet. Remember Chet? Gary's limo driver? I hadn't expected to see him at the party, given the nature of their relationship, but then again, I had realized through talking to him over the years that he and Gary went way back. All the way back to high school, actually. He and Gary apparently used to get up to quite a bit of mischief together, back in the day.
Chet's actually quite a handsome guy. He's not as tall as Gary, but shares this almost unwavering expression of confidence on his face. He's also black, for what that's worth, and he's gone bald, though in a really sexy way. He shaves his head and it just makes him look all the more confident. And evidently, he's quite built. Usually when I see him, he's wearing a suit and hat when chaperoning me around town. But now, seeing him in a muscle shirt, I couldn't help but see he was really quite the muscular stud himself.
"Mff," I said, seeing him and nodding, a nervous smile probably apparent on my face. I would have issues being coherent with this gag in my mouth. I gathered that was the point. That in my interactions with people, for the most part, the imposing of will would be one-way. They would talk, I would listen. They would dispense, I would receive. They would command. I would obey.
"So did Gary tell you everything?"
I nodded.
"And let me guess. He told you like, fifteen minutes ago."
I smiled and nodded again.
"That's Gary Bennett for you," he said. "I mean, look at him," he said, gesturing his head up to Gary who seemed to watch over the whole party he was hosting like some kind of overseer. Well, I guess in a way, he technically was the overseer. "Hasn't changed a bit over the years has he? What I'd do with all his hair. Or his money. Or you," he said with a smile.
Chet eyed me up and down. It was an odd feeling. I'd never thought of Chet in that way before. I mean, he's really handsome, sure. But he'd always been just our chauffeur. But now, feeling his eyes on me like that, smiling at me like that, I realized he was also man, with his own urges. It was actually kind of hot! He'd probably thought about me a lot over the years, I realized. Probably stolen some glances at me in the back seat when I wasn't looking. And this realization was making me a bit wet for him…which was strange because before this moment, I never would have looked at a man that wasn't my sexy husband. But now…
"Listen," he said. "I know this all seems pretty sudden and all, but Gary, he used to do this kind of thing all the time. The old Gary. The old Gary that I can see is coming back. Back when we were in college, we used to share a lot of things. A lot. Of. Things. He changed a lot when he met you, you know."
He did? I thought. I had never realized that. I mean, I had sure changed a whole lot. But I wouldn't have thought I could change Master. He was always a rock to me. My rock. Who was also hard as a rock…
"But I knew Gary couldn't hold out forever. He told me he was just waiting for you to be ready. Do you feel ready, Missus Bennett?"
I honestly still didn't know. So I shrugged.
"That's okay," he said. "Listen. Gary told me all about what was going down tonight. Everybody but you till just now apparently. But don't you worry, Missus Bee. He told me to keep an eye out for you. And these people…they're good people. I don't think anything bad's going to happen. Well, I mean, bad things will happen, but nothing too bad. The good kind of bad. Know what I'm sayin', girl?"
I nodded. That did make me feel quite a bit better. I trusted Chet. I spent a lot of time alone with him, and I always felt about as safe with him as I did with Master.
"Just let me know if you need something, okay? Like if you have to go to the little girl's room, just blink at me or something."
I nodded.
He smiled looking me up and down again.
"May I?" he said, extending a palm to my breast.
"Mmm-hmm," I said, pairing that with a nod for clarity.
And then he reached for my breasts and felt them with his hands, running over them gently and then down my sides and around my back.
"Girl, you are a dime and a half," he said. "I can see why Gary went so gaga over you. Shit, girl, your curves deserve they own names."
I blushed a little, and then I looked him in the eyes. And for the first time, I think ever, at least since I first met Gary Bennett, there was a second man I knew I wanted. It wasn't quite the way I wanted Master. He would always be my number one. But now, I think I was finding room in my heart for a number two.
"You know, Gary and me, and we used to share a lot of things."
"Uh-huh. Lot of things. Stories…Joints…Girls…"
"Mmm-hmm?" I said again, now getting really hot and bothered down below.
Chet's hands slowly worked their way down my belly, and traced around my inner thighs. And then he…
"Mmmmff," I gasped with pleasure as I felt his finger tips reach the outer lips of my pussy.
"Damn, girl," he said. "You are good to go. I've barely even touched you, and you're wet as a Florida bayou."
I giggled a little, half at his choice of words, and half at the fact that yes, I was extremely wet right now. Wet for Chet.
"This feel good, girl?" he said, letting his fingers drive my pussy wild. They felt so good.
"Mmm-hmmm," I moaned.
Chet smiled.
"Hey," came another male voice.
It was Roland, or Roly, as he was often called, and an unfortunate name, given his state of rotundity. He was a business associate of Gary's. Actually, he was one of the other two owners of the club where I'd first met Gary. I'd never talked to him directly back then, but I've had numerous occasions to socialize with him since. Roly wasn't exactly what I would describe as an attractive man. He's rather short and stout, though I'm probably still shorter. Wearing these heels, we appear to be close to the same height. He's fat and sweats a lot, giving his hair a permanent greasy look, and his armpits are always running with sweat down his dress shirts, but he is a really nice guy. I've been told that in the community, he's
a switch, and that when Roly dominates, he usually does so in a more casual and congenial way that a domineering one.
"S'up, Roly?" said Chet.
"I think my cock is now. Sweet Jesus Mary and Joseph, Kayla, look at you. You look good enough to eat."
"Something tells me you've had enough to eat, huh, big guy?"
Chet patted him on the tummy, which I thought was pretty rude, but then apparently Roly just laid one back at him.
"Ah, go wax your dome head, baldy," he said.
Chet covered his head and dropped his jaw in a look of mock indignation, and then all three of us had a laugh. Roly was another of the old circle Gary used to hang with in his youth. He had gone to a different high school than Gary and Chet, but they'd met at a party in college and had been friends ever since.
"Anyway," said Roly, "that's not the kind of eating I'm talking about…if you get my meaning…"
Then both of the boys laughed some more, and I turned red.
"Having a good time, sweetie?" Roly said seeming to see my eyes now.
I nodded. This really wasn't as bad—so far—as I thought it would be. Because I knew these two men. I felt safe with, and frankly, kind of attracted to Chet. And Roly, well, he could always make me laugh, and though I would probably never give him a second glance if I met him in a club, I still knew he was a sweet guy, and if there were any two guys at this party I'd want teasing me, it would be these two.
"May I?" he asked.
I nodded.
Then Roly put his hands all over me too, tracing the contours of my body, his expression almost innocent—like that of a chubby kid in a candy store. Actually the thought almost made me laugh. I had to behave myself though. I was the one being humiliated and judged after all, not Roly.
I felt a second pair of hands on me again now too, and looked back to see that Chet was also still here too, running his hands all over me. Having two men run their hands on me at once like this—it felt so good. It felt so wrong, and yet, so right. They were just two boys after all, who both hadn't really changed so much since the years they'd been in college. I guess that was a decade or so ago for them. And I could imagine the boys that they were, and that I probably wasn't that much older now than the girls that they'd shared then.
I looked up at my husband who peered over the crowd, watching me, his emotion unreadable from his facial expression.
Was this making him happy? Was it perhaps making him jealous? God, I would die if I thought it would make him jealous. But he just kept watching calmly. He would do something if he didn't like what he was seeing, wouldn't he?
"Kayla," said Roly. "May I please eat your pussy?"
My jaw would have dropped, had my mouth not already been pried wide open by the ball-gag. I took a moment to look him over. He smiled obsequiously. I looked at Chet, who smiled and gave a nod. I looked up at Gary, whose face remained unreadable.
I nodded, letting out a whimper as I did. It was humiliating, but my pussy ached for the attention.
Roly got to his knees, and then he pulled aside the base of my panties, and started to lick.
I let out a gasp of ecstasy. His tongue felt so good as it explored my pussy. I never could have imagined that Roly, of all people, could make me feel this good.
Chet, for his part, continued to fondle my tits from behind, as he ground his evidently throbbing cock into my back and butt. Feeling just how turned on Chet was, amplified just how hot I was getting. I breathed heavier and heavier, getting closer and closer to crying out, gasping and slobbering through my ball-gag.
Then Roly stopped. Why did he stop? I wanted to ask, impatiently, but as it was, I was still gagged, and at the mercy of whatever the boys wanted to do—or stop doing, in this case—with me.
"My knees just aren't what they used to be," he said, as if in answer, and the lowered himself to a sitting position.
"Better yet, why don't you just lay your ass down," said Chet. "Make Kayla here do some of the work."
"Sounds good to me," he said.
And so Roly lay down on the ground, while Chet peeled off my panties, and then helped me to my knees, spreading my legs on either side around Roly. Naked now, from the tits down, I lowered myself onto Roly's face. He continued to make delightful swirls around my clit with his tongue. I moaned in ecstasy through my gag.
"Here, girl, let's get that off you," said Chet, and he undid my gag, and took it out, and then left it hanging loosely around my neck.
I licked my lips and stretched my jaw, and breathed a sigh of relief.
"Ah," I sighed. "Thank you. I…"
Then Chet, his crotch pretty much exactly level with my face, unzipped his fly, and pulled out a massive cock. It wasn't quite as big as Master's, bit it was still really big. And from a fine black specimen like Chet, I would have expected no less.
"How would you like to make my night, girl?"
I didn't even have to answer. I eagerly learned forward and took the head of his cock into my mouth.
"Damn, bitch," he said with a smile. "I wasn't expecting you to be this eager!"
"I wasn't either," I said, pulling off from his cock momentarily. "But your cock is really beautiful, sir."
We smiled at each other. This was so wrong. But it felt so good.
"Get back in there, you sycophant," he said, and put both hands behind my head and pulled me back onto his throbbing cock.
Chet and I locked eyes as I continued to suck him with everything I had. And for his part, he cupped his hands around my face like I was some kind of treasure.
Other men and women from the party started gathering around us now, as we grew more and more noisy.
Roly's tongue felt so good down below, and the sight of this muscular, handsome black man, this totally new kinky side of Chet, was such a turn on. And I swirled my own tongue to drive Chet wild too. I wanted to come, and I wanted to make this beautiful black man's cock cum too, right in my mouth, so I could drink it all down like a good girl.
Then I started to come—my first orgasm at Roly's hand, or, his mouth, more accurately—and I felt my pussy contract like crazy, all while Roly continued to work my clit with his tongue.
Chet's eyes bugged out a little, and his jaw dropped, and I could feel his cock swelling more and more inside my mouth. He was about to cum too, I realized. And then he did, and I felt his warm load fill my mouth. Salty, but delicious nonetheless. I swallowed it all down like a good girl, and never broke my gaze from his.
Finally, he took his cock out of my mouth and then cupped my face in his hands.
"Damn, girl. Just…dayumm…"
He put his cock back in his pants, and then Roly slid up the floor a little.
"I'm not going to let you guys have all the fun."
From his jacket pocket, Roly produced a condom, and rolled in onto his cock. He was a little smaller, but then again, he was about to…oh god, oral sex was one thing but he was about to…
I looked up at Gary. At Master. And there he was, still watching, his face still unreadable.
"You ready?" said Roly.
I looked down at him as he put his hands on my naked hips, ready to lower me down. But true to form, he didn't just ram me down. He was asking permission like a gentleman.
"For the love of god, yes," I whined impatiently.
This got a laugh from Chet. I heard a few other chuckles in the gathering crowd too.
Roly lowered me down onto his cock, and began making grunting noises. I looked up again at Master. Is this okay, Master? Is this what you want? Oh god, it feels so wrong and yet…so…fucking…good.
"Can I have a go?" asked a stout man I didn't even recognize. I couldn't even tell if he was native American or Hispanic. Or possible something else.
"Yes," I said, without hesitation. Whoever he was, who was I to deny him after pleasing two men? Well…I mean…I was still in the midst of pleasing Roly…
This next man put his erect cock into my mouth. It was smaller than Chet's, which meant
I stood a chance of actually deep-throating him, which I tried to do, though I didn't exactly have a lot of control from this position. Luckily, control was one thing they really didn't need me to have. He took me by the collar and yanked my head onto his cock, and it wasn't long before I had a second mouthload of cum.
And then a third.
And then a fourth.
Pretty soon, I'd lost count of how many cocks were entering either my pussy or my mouth. I didn't know what to do with all that semen, so I just kept swallowing it all. After awhile, I was beginning to feel like I'd had a three-course meal. If all three of those courses were soup, mind you. Salty soup!
Then, of course, there were the countless orgasms that I had, at the hands of so many different men. I couldn't even keep track of them. They'd become somewhat of a blur, though I was glad that it had been Chet and Roly who'd broken me in first. They were sweet, and I couldn't help but feel like I kind of wanted to fuck them again. Which surprised me in Roly's case, I'll admit. But my husband's friends…They're actually pretty hot!
Then, finally, I found myself eating a pussy. My first pussy. And I'll say this much. This is something I've never, ever wanted to do.
Until now.
For some strange reason.
It wasn't so much that I'd suddenly become bisexual. I'm not. I always have been—and always will be—attracted to men. However, in this case, we get into a bit of a grey area. Because really, though I was ostensibly giving cunnilingus to please another woman, when I looked up at my husband, I realized I was actually doing it to please him.
It was a very tall and lean girl I only passively recognized as another of my husband's many kinky friends. A lesbian, who'd come with her girlfriend. For all I knew, her girlfriend was next in line…It also took a lot longer to get her off than it did with the men, I noted. Although maybe that's because I'm not as used to pussies as I am cocks. But by the time this woman was in the final tremors of her orgasm, I realized that a part of me kind of wanted to do that again.
But—disappointingly, I might add, which kind of surprised me—that was the only pussy I ate that night. Maybe Master thought that was enough experimentation for one night. I began to wonder if Master had actually orchestrated the procession. And it hadn't been quite so many as I had thought. There were, it turned out, other submissives here at play as well, and so that took the pressure off me a little. Could you imagine being the only slave in a room with nothing but a hundred Masters and Mistresses? I giggled a little at the thought. I wonder...? Would that be something Master would build me up to? Would that be something I might even someday beg to try?